Hello, I’m Sophie…

Sophie is an illustrator and graphic designer from Metro-Detroit with a passion for making the world a little more exciting through bright and playful designs. No matter how often she was told not to judge a book by its cover, the first books off the shelves were the ones paired with wonky design. The inspiration that lasted from childhood illustration books began to translate into nonchalant character doodles on napkins, margins of her “notes’’. She inspires to capture complexity and fine details of everyday life in the expression of simpler tones; pairing aesthetic qualities with humor and lightheartedness.

Her creative outlet doesn’t stop at one medium, the urge to learn other ways to express ideas is constantly adapting. Aside from sketching, as a hobby Sophie enjoys photographing nature and the places she travels. Intrigued by every detail, she absorbs the world around her, recording feelings and emotions within the process. According to those who know Sophie,

“When Sophie’s not making art, you can find her doing other forms of art.”

You can find more of her work on Instagram: @sofe.studio


(248) 520-4083

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