Love your park olympic edition: thesis Project

Love Your Park Expedition is a preemptive guide for children to learn how to love National Parks while visiting. Starting with Olympic National Park, users will take away how to leave a positive environmental impact unique to this park. This expedition aspect guides users to learn how to safely interact with wildlife.

First step: purchase plush toy for qr code

These are mock up illustrations of plush toys. Users can find the QR code for the website guide on Olympic Park Edition plush toys. Each toy has a name that associates with the guide experience and each animal can be found in the park. The black bear is titled “Be Aware Bear”, The Bee is called “Pollinator Pal” and the Owl is “Observation Owl”.

website guide: before you enter the park

By introducing concepts such as leave no trace, terrain safety and awareness to surroundings, first time park goers will learn how to successfully leave a positive impact on the park. Important safety tips and nature interaction are also concepts introduced in the illustrated website. The user age group appeals best to 6-11 year olds.


As users then set off into the park, the printable field guide assists in helping identify plants, animals and unique characteristics of Olympic National Park as well as reminds the adventurers of safety measures. The back of the book includes interactive elements to help retain interest and attention to details while walking in the park.

Love your park Branding & product line

Ideally, Love Your Park would have multiple park guides specific to each national park across the US. The overall brand is Love Your Park and each park is a seperate edition. Starting off with Olympic, the tote bag and the string bag are animals and plants found specifically in this park. The “Beechain” and the bucket hat are common themes seen in all parks.


Shine Water: Rebrand